Friday, January 3, 2014

Child Room Organization Designs from a Childless 30 Something

Apparently, it doesn't matter to my mother that I have no children.  She is still going to send me ideas on how to organize kid rooms anyway.  Well, that isn't exactly true; really, she know's I'm crafty and looking for inexpensive ways to design and organize all of my many belongings.

So, the other day my mother found a really cute way to create a reading nook in an office or children’s room.  The picture she showed me from the internet was very child-specific and at first I was thinking she was really hitting hard with the grandbaby hints.  But in this instance, I don't think that was her primary intention (I'm leaving it open for secondary, subconscious motivations).  

I mean, if you have toddlers, getting toys, games, and books off of the floor is HARD, CONSTANT work and making these shelves low enough for them to reach can help them to be independent, create preferences, AND teach them how to clean up after themselves.  In education we called those ‘teachable moments’!

Another benefit to these is that you can remove them from these lower positions on the wall, add a few One Direction pictures (that was a joke), or repaint them/add adhesive designed paper to make them more teenage friendly when your babies become WONDERFUL teenagers! (I’d suggest lots of bling if you have girls).

But for ME--I was able to look past all of that to see that the concept was actually pretty cool for grownups too and that the overall idea could be made ‘adult friendly’ and applied to a study or office room in any home with just a little spray paint.  So, my next project will be to make this happen in my office/spare room:

1 comment:

  1. Truly no subconscious jabs were intended. I think you and Michael are doing a wonderful job of decorating your home in clever and cost conscious ways and this struck me as being right up your alley. It could also be used in the kitchen or bathroom as a way to stack rolled towels or bottles of lotions and such. The possibilities are endless. Love you! You ROCK! YFMT
