Wednesday, May 14, 2014

"Truss" Me, I'm a Professional!

One of the great things about being your own boss is that you are able to maintain your own schedule.  Therefore, when an opportunity arises to help out within the city of Largo, I am able to forgo showing properties to clients in order to help build homes for Habitat for Humanity.

Pinellas County has a very robust Habitat for Humanity program.  If you are interested in volunteering, you can do it with a group like I did, or come individually.  All you have to do is fill out an online application and select a date.

Anona United Methodist Church is the group that I volunteered with.  They are another organization that is active with outreach and community service in Largo.  This particular Saturday was the day before Mother's Day and Anona was asked to cut back on their volunteer workforce from 10 to 5 volunteers because Habitat was having a special event in which Mothers and their children were invited to team up and volunteer their time together.  Unfortunately, building a house was not exactly what many mothers and their children wanted to do--and who could blame them for preferring mani-pedis over sore muscles and blisters!

There were about 8 individual volunteers, 5 in my group, and 3 site contractors.  This was my first build since moving here from Texas.  My experience there included putting up siding, picking up trash and excess building tools from the job sight, painting, and putting in landscaping.  So, I was quite surprised when the contractors explained that we would be installing roof trusses.  Yes!  I helped build a roof.  2 of the ladies who had come with the Anona group were not able to stay because of back ailments that prevented them from heavy lifting, so we were short handed, but optimistic that the job could get done!  We were on a deadline too because the grant that funded the build stipulated that it had to be completed by a certain date or the grant was revoked and the deadline was rapidly approaching.

I can not remember a time that I worked so hard in my life!  But everyone who was there quickly learned how to communicate with one another, anticipate the needs of each other, and connect through our shared value of community involvement.  I was pretty tuckered out by the end and I am glad that I was able to expand my knowledge of home building, but I will definitely be asking next time "What EXACTLY will be on the agenda for today's build" so that I can mentally prepare for the task ahead.  I love Livin' the Largo Life!